World & Its Different Levels Or Multilevel World
World & Its Different Levels
Multilevel World
As we know, two visible and explainable systems are discovered so far. The system which is as result of electrical force and other is as result of gravity force. Systems as result of ultra gravity force or infra electrical force, are not revealable and are inaccessible base upon latest scientist’s theories and observations but with the help of some evidence, some possibilities could be discussable and exist.
Every force creates and controls its own system. Electrical force creates and controls electrical system and also gravity force creates and controls gravitational system.
By the way, ultra gravitational force creates ultra gravity system and ultra ultra gravitational creates ultra ultra gravitational system and it continues … n.
Also infra electrical force creates infra electrical system and infra infra electrical force creates infra infra electrical system and it continues... n.
There are many congruities between these systems in structural means and incongruity in constitutional time mean, in the following way: we see a center and then other elements that move around the center in all of these structures. For constituting each perceptible congruent structure we need different time base upon each level of systems.
It means that if earth needs 365 days to orbit around sun, there is a so small times needed for orbiting electron around nucleus and then a fewer small time for orbiting moving particle in infra electrical system is needed around the central element of infra electrical system and it continues...n.
Thus, we could predict that it takes much more time to orbit a particle around center of ultra gravitational force system in a ultra gravitational force and much much more to orbit same around ultra ultra gravitational force and …n.
From above discussion we could result that time which is needed to constituting congruent structures will rise as long as rising in the dimension of structure.
In these systems the effect field of the forces will be depend of the type of these forces for example we could reveal the gravitational force when we consider a big dimensions as enough as( at least )earth’s scale. By the way the ultra and infra forces will be revealed if we consider the ration between dimensions of electrical forces and earth and galaxies. The ratio between different systems will be understood when we consider these rational relation of these two systems to approaching the subject.
At this point, we will discuss about an exciting subject as possibility of existence of life or origination of our soul before birth and jumping the different quality of soul in each level of this world to an upper level as n... infra infra electron world to infra electron world and then to electron world and then to gravitational world and then to ultra gravitational and ultra ultra gravitational world and … n.
We could imagine the body of human and its soul that in every level of world is changing as n … infra infra electrical to infra electrical and then electrical and then gravitational and then ultra gravitational and then ultra ultra gravitational and then … n.
The time that takes to constitute an effective level of body will rise as long as rising in dimension of the each level of the worlds. It means that if in gravitational world constitution of the body takes 9 month and the life of human 70-80 year until death, in the electrical world it will take very small time to constitute congruent body and then in infra electrical more small and …n and also it takes so much times to constitute congruent body in ultra gravitational world (limbo) and much more in ultra ultra gravitational world (doomsday) and … n.
Further more, we could understand the processes of evolution of human by taking into account of the religious point of view. In religion, a year of limbo will equivalent with 100000 year of present world and it will be understood when we are going to compare the different level of the world with each other in a multilevel world. If we presume that human sole after getting out of gravitational world will enter in the ultra gravitational world with gravitational element then we will understand the process of the evolution of the human because the human body as well as human’s sole is expanding and evolving through this process. From an n … infra infra electrical body to a infra electrical body and then electrical body and then gravitational body and then ultra gravitational body and then ultra ultra gravitational body … n and thus the human evolution will be taken place in other levels we could see and understand it in our physical and experimental world.
If we continue this debate we will get a series of extraordinary and beautiful results and we could imagine a very exciting picture of our world as multilevel worlds alternatively will be in single effective force type as gravitational and dual effective force types as electrical and thus the nuclear force as infra electrical force will be single type and infra infra electrical force will be dual type and … n, and therefore ultra gravitational force will be dual type and ultra ultra gravitational will be single type and …n.
The forming element of every world or level is constitute of substances which effective constituting forces between them are originated in lower level as gravitational world are constituted from elements which the effective forming forces are electrical and in ultra gravitational the effective forming forces would be gravitational force and in ultra ultra gravitational world the effective forming force would be ultra gravitational and … n and in this way the electrical world would have the forming element as the result of infra electrical force (Nuclear World) and then in infra infra electrical world, we could imagine the elements as the result of infra electrical force and … n.
This will comply with the religious stories as limbo would be ultra gravitational with gravitational sub-elements and doomsday would be ultra ultra gravitational (single type) with ultra gravitational sub-elements (dual effective type). Because we live in gravitational world (single type) with effective dual type sub-elements (dual effective type) and this is acceptable because our body is constituted by dual effective forces.
Therefore, because of logical relation between sole and body, the sole would be changing and evolving from elements with quality of n… infra infra electrical to infra electrical and then electrical and then gravitational and then ultra gravitational and then ultra ultra gravitational and … n.
Hadi Mostafazadeh
19 Ramezan 1426