In The Name of GOD
Contemplation on the Causality Principle or Development of Particle Interpretation of Structure & Organization
Content :
- Introduction
- Basic principles and definitions
- Analyze of some problems base on mainstream of definition
- Some problems for solving
- Some Single non-analyzed statements
In this article , I am trying to give a description about how structures and organizations can be constituted base upon the causality principle and particle interpretation and showing how these structures able to be explained base on these definitions . There are, with the help of "GALEB" means as conductor and "SAYYAL" means as be conducted and physical approach, attempting to define constitution of structures in general mean. In this other type of system definition , system is shown as ( G , S ) that structure , organization and … have the same concept but in another form .
At first, principles and basic definitions are given and the explanations of some processes are quested through this principles and definitions and the way of analyzing of these processes could be found in these definitions. Then some questions would be given for to be comment base upon basic definitions. In fact we could be helped by these definitions for comment expressed conceptions and take conclusion from the mainstream.
The reason behind writing this article (for who are interested in) firstly was to order thinking way of the writer on different phenomenon and find logical relationship between them and in such world that logical process of thought and action are under attack of political behavior and secondly for who are looking for logical judgment of society and individuals, surrounding them.
Of course, this article is on the way to get completeness ( the content has been being gathered form late 1992 to the time being ) and it is far away from a perfect article and the writer had spent high attempt to complete for improve its imperfectness but by many reason, he had failed to give a perfect article in the mean of logicality and base on exact principles and although the subjects could be tracked by the his or her stored knowledge (but it has many definitions, concepts and comments by its shape which is given in this article).
Anyway, the writer has been forced to give this article in this shape that if he disappeared from this world, his work remains as although it is not a big work.
If it will seems as it is what to be
Main Principle& definitions
Purposeful and purposeless world are two hypotheses which are being mentioned in the subject of purposeful world arguments. If we can not investigate and prove the purposeful world we could percept and track the directivity of the particles and component of the world. If we focus on the direct of the component, having purpose or not for these components could be shown and understand as a physiological phenomenon. In fact human being perception and directivity of component of the world , would be transformed to the purposeful world. Actually perception of purposeful world either from the view of thoughtful problem (Gestalt cult) or living hood problem of human being will be depend on his necessities. It means that all the discussions about purposeful world will be thankless without considering human being.
By the way, regarding above comments, if the movement of the world and its components have not relationship with human being and its livelihood problems or they have a weak relation then this moment and movement will be purposeless in whole and the result is that the purpose is a thing, point or moment which human being is interested in it or is related to his necessities and the purposeful path is the path that will end to that position in whole.
If we trace which we considered it as moving thing , the movement will end at a point that we call this end of movement as target or purpose. The path which this moving thing has gone toward target will be called as “Ghaleb” and the moving thing as “Sayyal”. Because of frequently using these words, we will abbreviate and show those as “G” for Ghaleb and “S” for Sayyal. We will consider the “G” as unchangeable an “S” as changeable things (depend on the discussing subject).

“S” is the perfect representation of movement of all component of the created world which target is all considerable thing from the point view of human being that are classified by his. Regarding that human being look and comment the world as his created structure, the paths which he define, have his own shape. Because of his comment of ending all paths in his created structure at the perception point or EGO, he considers a point as end of movement and in fact target or purpose is not beyond a presumptive point for human and for an instinctive creature (having instinct).
This comment about world’s events is subconsciously and because of it, all techniques and knowledge which were found by human is base on this subconscious sense and also his perception of the world on causality principle. Consequently “G” in any kind of motion in the world, is conductor of “S” towards reaching a special position.
We understand “S” as components of the world as whole from Elementary particles to galaxies which are on their ways “( which those ways are forces acting on these components and we call them “G” )” , towards a special point which we call it purpose. In mechanical description for motion, change in direction for particles occurs when particles strike solid points or bodies and these solid points would be “G”.
If “S” has a certain path and the position of the target is defined , the “G” which will conduct it to target would be specified.( Mechanical description of motion is a good way for explain concept of the motion in whole and in fact motion is a physical event which it could be formulated and explained generally.

If we back to previous explanations to define and evaluate precisely the concepts of “G” , “S” and purpose , in physical explanation we will have many solid points which close arrangement of those will constitute a perfect path for conduction “S” towards purpose as following:
Above complex shows a simplified model and shape from the point view of concept. We name and show it as (G,S,P) , a triple same as triples in mathematics.
Every structure by remove purpose base on human conception could be shown as (G,S). Actually, every structure and system in the world constitutes from these elements. (G) is stable by the forces between its components and (S) moves continually under effect of (G). The attraction forces between (G) and (S) will shape negative entropy to conserve order and prevent whole structure and in brief, (G,S) from decomposition or destruction.
Tendency to make order and pose the different component of the world beside each other at any shape which we can imagine it, could be explained by concept of negative entropy. In world’s systems and structures, tendency to make order is existed because of forces between different components of the world.
In living creatures and also human that these are a system among world’s systems , tendency to make order would be appeared in shaping communities and this is the representation of world’s entropy which appears in its small shape as constitution of living creature and human communities .
Previous debate lead us to understand the structure or community system which base on entropy rule constitute by close arrangement single component beside together. This structure base on previous explanations will show simply by following figure:

If we are looking for a much more general model to show world’s structures by conception approach , we will reach the following model:
Drawn line in close curve are (G)s for conducting (S) . (S)s which is inside mentioned (G)s are moving in a regular base . Purpose is in front of outlet of (G,S) and entering any (S) from outside will violate balance of (G,S) and motion of (S) from the inside towards purpose will determine the rule of reaction of the (G,S).
Definitions of (G,S)
- Isolated and Non-isolated (G,S)s
- Homogenous and Non-Homogenous (G,S)s
- Alive and Non-Alive (G,S)s
- Absolute and Non-Absolute (G,S)s
- Consubstantiality of (G) and (S) in (G,S)s
- Composition of alive (G,S) and non-alive (G,S)
- Surrounding condition and (G,S)
- Internal condition and (G,S)
- (S)’s Escaping factors from (G)
- Confronting two or more Alive (G,S)
- EGO and its role in an Alive (G,S)
Isolated and Non-Isolated (G,S)s
Isolated (G,S) is which will not be affected by outside condition an non-isolated (G,S) is which will be affected by outside condition and its internal state will be changed . (G,S)s of the world (world’s systems) are in range of isolated and non-isolated (G,S)s . There are no any absolute or non-absolute (G,S) in the world.
Homogenous and Non-Homogenous (G,S)s
Homogenous (G,S) is which , all its (S)s are same and Non-Homogenous (G,S)s is which its (S)s are different .
Alive and Non-Alive (G,S)s
It could be adapted with the common and usual concept of Aliveness or Non-Aliveness. Being alive or not for (G,S)s is base on and pointing to existing or non-existing Ego in these (G,S)s. In fact , the role of Ego in (G,S) is to protect whole structure or system from collapse or destruction and also to adapting it with surrounding condition which are conducted by (S). These conditions gradually with small impact of (S) and with the role and interference of (Ego) changes (G) to adapt it with surrounding conditions. The equilibrium and balance between (G,S) and circumference is result of these impacts between (S) and (G). Non-Alive (G,S) because of non-existence of (E) can not adapt itself with surrounding condition and will be destroyed by circumstances and surrounding conditions .
The role of (S) in conduction of action and surrounding condition is clear.
Arrangements in (G,S)s
In chain and arrangement of (G,S)s , each (G) is (S) for upper (G,S) . If we consider following figure , we could see that each (G) would be (S) and each (S) would be (G) at the same time and at the same position. In fact , while each (G) is (S) for upper (G,S) , it would be (G) for lower (G,S).

For Example: arrangement of administration in an organization and structure of atoms and materials.
Absolute and Non-Absolute (G)s and (S)s
Absolute or non-absolute (G) or (S) is unreachable and by the way Elementary particles will be unreachable. Absolute (S) is such a mass-less particle or thing with such behavior and reaction without any impact on its own (G) and absolute (G) is such thing with such behavior and action on its own (S) without any impact on itself.
(Absolute (G) is God and absolute (S) is which he determines.)
consubstantiality of (G) and (S)
(S) is consubstantial with its own (G) in a system of (G,S) because it have interaction with its own (G) .
For Example: The social laws and people are consubstantial. (They are made of “pain and pleasure” in a sense and from the point view of social science and civil right.)
The particles and fields where there is an interaction between them.
Space and (G,S)
The distance between (G) and (S) would be defined as space. In fact, distance between cause and effect in causality and in entropy definition, distance between components which equilibrium and stability of structure are to be existed base on equilibrium between positive and negative entropy and base on equilibrium between escaping and attracting forces, would be defined as space. In fact, the concept of structure would be found on this base. It means that structure is the result of equilibrium between attracting and escaping forces.
Base upon space and structure concepts, we will have equivalence relation between following Dyads :
(Escaping forces, Attracting forces) ≈ (Cause, Effect) ≈ (G,S)
These dyads are equivalent and harmonized with (Pain, Pleasure) dyad , and consequently humanly orientation of comment and scale in interpreting science and natural phenomenon would be specified and , by the way the basis of human perception from nature and world will be on this equivalence relation : ( Pain, Pleasure) ≈ (Attraction , Propulsion ) . Space and concept of distance will be derived from these dyads. Oscillation of these concepts will retell to us the concept of the Time .
Composition of alive (G,S) and non-alive (G,S)
If we consider to have a set of Alive and Non-Alive (G,S)s and they constitute a larger system as a bigger (G,S) , it will be an Alive (G,S) because of existing at least only one Alive (G,S). The aliveness of world will be inferred from here and because, out of known world’s laws the composition, arrangement and … of the world will be changed by humans and other creature’s interference without any predictability. It means that there are not any frameworks, explanations and predictions for these changes. And consequently predictability of world’s events like what Newton and other scientist have posed it, will be possible in the such world which existence of human and other creatures would have been denied.
Surrounding conditions and (G,S)
The surrounding conditions are the elements from outside the (G,S) which are able to change the known and internal composition of (G,S) .
Internal condition and (G,S)
Regarding the whole of world, all understandable elements could be express as internal condition base on discussing subject and the elements which are inside the bound of (G,S) .
(S)’s Escaping factors from (G)
In general means, escaping factors of (S) from (G) are two as below:
- moving intensity of (S) , speed of (S).
- compression intensity of the elements which arrange to constitute (G) or simply (G)’s compression.
Confronting two or more Alive (G,S)
If we consider to have two (G,S) are confronting together and they have different powers and there is an interaction between (S)s from two (G,S) then the more powerful (G,S) will impose its composition to more powerless (G,S).
EGO and its role in an Alive (G,S)
We must standardize the value role of EGO in an Alive (G,S) and this role will standardized by many experience compulsorily. EGO is the perception point of delivering actions via delivering (G,S) or transmitting mechanisms and consequently it is the point of sending command to commanding (G,S) or commanding mechanisms. The percept, consequently with these many experiences will end at and as (pain, pleasure) and it means that getting active of every commanding mechanisms will base on “pain, pleasure” perception of every delivered action to EGO.
The problem which their explanations are being searched through mainstream of definition and concepts
- Thought’s (S) and (G)s of thinking.
- Thought’s (S) and its momentum.
- Thought’s network and its energy.
- Different human races and thought or particlization of Logic.
- Equivalency between ( pain, pleasure ) ≈ ( attraction, propulsion )≈ (0, 1)
≈ : Entropic- Heisenbergian equivalency.
- The powerful argument of Entropy and constitution of structure as equilibrium between positive and negative Entropy.
- Gestalt and its Energy.
- The transmitting mechanisms in the Alive creatures.
- Perception as changing energies in transmitting mechanisms.
- Recognition human, his nature and the constituted organization by his nature.
- Transmitting mechanisms changes in human and the important role of sex in industrialized societies.
- Transmitting and Command mechanisms in human and party’s roles in society and Democratic systems.
- Gödel’s premise and transformation of systems and social systems (affecting elements in revolutions and riots of communities.
- Feudal systems and ideological revolution in the isolated systems which are going to transform to Non-isolated systems.( Feudal system and Iranian revolution )
- The society positions in society organizations.
- Ideological managements and the leading of communities.
- Necessary elements for constituting of every communities ( for example thoughts )
- Determination of the conditions which theoretical ethic as (G,S) are being imposed by practical ethic.
- Ethic and political arguments.(Ethic and its role in political behavior (discussions)).
- Ethical behavior distribution of communities and entropic-heisenbergian equivalency and its diagrams.
- Determinism and free-willingness.
- Gödel’s Premise, Sayyeh In Sayyeatolmogarabin (Holy Qur’an ) , Entropic-Hesenbergian Equivalency , Banned Fruit and Human Evolution.
- Gödel’s premise and religion distortion.
- Culture, religious factions and religion perception of each ethic group or race (Entering Germans into Christianity).
- Ultimate withstanding , religious endurance capacity, physical capacity and ultimate strain strength of body’s cellules ( The ultimate bearable capacity of law for Human )
- Religion, politics and Entropic-Hesenbergian Equivalency.
- Bisexuality of Human and its exact relation with the electrical forces which appear in two biform.( biformity of electric forces.)
- The relation between scale (dimensions) of Human and influencing range of electric forces (Human is created in such scale which impacting forces on his body are electric forces).
- The relation between electric forces and perception and feeling range of Human.
- Cosmopolitanism and Space, Entropy and Time restrictions, and their inconsistency, regarding Entropic-Heisenbergian coefficient error.
- Politics and its independency from path same as independency of doing work when moving a constant force inside gravity field ( Regarding equivalency of Ego and gravity force from the view point of continuity in its own affecting field)
- Making political decision base upon network stability energy and regarding each (G,S) and the proportionate organization and equilibrant with summarized whole organization energy.( Making political path decision with which we could consider a special energy for each system or organization base upon each path).
Thought’s (S) and (G)s of thinking.
Base on a general rule we can consider and define brain or mind as a system. We will use the (G,S)s terms for explaining the subject which are being discussed as thinking in the brain. In thinking, an individual regarding his special purpose, arrange logical elements or parameters in order to make a continued logical path from first to end toward getting his or her considered purpose. In field of Humanism, the ethic problems also would emerge along thinking path but eventually they will replace by logical elements. In this regard we could consider brain as a (G,S) that Thought such as a (S) is crossing by helping and placing on this logical elements toward purpose. Consequently, we could consider these logical elements as (G).
This thought’s (S) argument is like dialectical thought movement in Descartes’ works and both of these comments are explaining Thought as physical things.
Thought’s (S) and its momentum
Considering previous arguments, we have seen that we could understand thought as a moving (S). writer’s experiences by concentration on thought subject lead him to realize that it is not easy to change path or direction of thought (regarding thinking system) while it is moving . Regarding physical aspect of motion, this could be classified and explained that there is a resistance against changing momentum due to momentum of thought’s (S). By the way, in this comment thought will be transformed to an existence with physical characteristics. And this would be an appropriate model for research on some thinking processes like selfaxled of children in special ages and the reason behind human’s reluctance against rapidly changing thought and the thoughts which are leading human’s actions .
Path changing of thought’s (S) in a (G) of thinking, which will be explained later, would be depend on velocity and direction of a (S) which we will name it as induction (S) . Because the motion of thought’s (S) will be in deduction manner inside (G)s of thinking which begin from an origin or a base toward an special point as purpose.
Changing this path from defined (G) toward undefined (G) will be realized when a (S) which we named it induction (S), strike strongly with this (S).
Detection of this (S) for whom are delighted from discovering similarity between phenomenon, have been discovered in a cyclotron with a critical limit of energy when its energy have reached to the highest level and thought’s (S) have reached to the detectable level. This cyclotron had been a brain in the edge of detonation.
Thought’s network and its energy
As we know, all transformations and changes in the world accompany with exchanging changing of energy. Establishing any order will need stability energy and any transformation and violating order will accompany with changing in energy quantity. Every network or organization has a special quantity of energy for its stability which is conclusion of arrangement of its elements beside together. If constitution of each organization, structure, system and finally (G,S), base upon entropy law, need energy in human scale and dimension and his processes , its destruction also will need energy. Because, the judgment of constitution or destruction of this network is base on the human’s will and it is not because of the natural forces. In this approach thought because of its order has stability energy.
Politic and society management in the discussions about thought will have better comment here and significant of propagandas and community opinion will be revealed clearly. In this approach, society management means energy management in all aspects even thought’s network management because every network and thought has its order and its special energy and transformation of every thought network will base on energy laws and consequently control of the thoughts and public opinion in the direction of system leaders will have particular significant and from other side we must realize that action of individuals in community is the reinforcement of this network. Unwanted changes confronting government’s goals on democracy and liberation basis for the systems which do not have enough political stability and democracy and liberation have particular concept in that systems, will force them to restriction thoughts, make unidirectional, censor, and inversion news for lead public opinion in its systems goal’s direction, in despite, the public’s action control which make their way from their thoughts and opinion will be very difficult. By the way, public opinion or thoughts will be crucial and isolation of social system from the view of thoughts and leading news will be important.
Different human races and thought, or particlization of Logic.
Base upon Gödel’s premise, changing inside any system will be base on its circumstances changes. If a special condition impose continuously on an alive-(G,S) , the system will be adapted with its surrounding condition. In alive systems, entering any thing from outside system with enough strong and continuity will be cause to constitute an equilibrate system or organization against these operators and by removing this surrounding conditions, the constituted organization will continue to living and its deterioration time will have direct proportion with its constitution time.
If two same alive-system (for example two men) place in two different circumstances, surrounding condition will impact the behavior of them. As hard as surrounding condition, the man who is living in harder condition will have harder and greater reaction in comparison with who is living in moderate and softer condition which an same action occur for two at the same time. In fact the surrounding condition and its impact, open a new argument as human races. It means that the human races debate is not out of communities which are living in different places and different conditions of the world. Actually the intension of reaction and behavior of community from different races from the point view of statistical society behaviorology (behavioral science) of when they are confronting any actions coming toward them will not equal when we compare them. This debate will have a substantial appearance when we consider its critical form and comparing behaviors of the people who live in very cold or very warm places of the world with others who live in temperate parts of the world. If we classify the living condition as hard and soft thus we could adopt that to classify the races as hard and soft races. The ruling laws in the communities which are constituted by these racial characteristics would be under influence control, derived and originated, unconsciously by their racial structure. It means that the racial structure will be emerging in human’s behavior and then in ruling laws and by incorporation with other elements like culture, religion will constitute the social laws of those communities. Flexibility or inflexibility in social laws are derived from and be affected by racial characteristics and the whole subject will depend on the thinking way of these races. It means that the social laws will be based on and leaded by the type of thinking of these races. In this position, regarding the terms and definition of (G,S) , mentioning as principle, we will investigate on the manner of confronting these races with the coming problems.
There are two thinking way which we can mention: the deductive thinking way and inductive thinking way. The behaviors of different races confronting with problems would be different base upon the mean which we will define as inductive to deductive transformation in thinking. The inductive thinking way is an absolute way of thinking and completely base upon absolute principles. In the mean time, the deductive thinking way is excluded from this position and there are not any special laws to rule and it depends on a series of disorder experiences. The thinking way in every race will be affected by both of these thinking ways. In the social laws, deduction will be emerged as normal laws and inductions as article beside normal laws. Transforming the comprehensive laws to their articles is like induction to deduction transforming in the term of thinking. In hard races, “generally” article in laws which violate execution of the normal laws, will play a little role in social laws. Execution of articles beside normal laws could be explained as transformation of deduction to deduction in thinking subject. In fact transformation of deduction to induction is the result of positive thinking and induction way of thinking is the essentiality of generality and for execution of laws and protective of society. Because in such situation which the risk of execution of laws is more than its profits, articles will preserve society from the risks which it might be confronted.
In this time, we will explain the above comments by using the terms, definitions and the conceptions of (G,S) which were mentioned previously.
Base upon previous analysis, if we consider thought as a (S) which is moving inside (G)s of thinking then we will see that conduction and remaining of this thought’s (S) in these (G)s will be depended on speed of (S) and compression intensity of the elements which arrange to constitute (G) or simply (G)’s compression. (G)s will be as strong as surrounding condition and by the way the transformation of induction to deduction will be harder. ( In the same condition, relatively) we will achieve following conclusions:
In fact, we will have:

The simulation of above process is shown below:

Regarding above figure, (S) escape from (G) of induction and the form of Induction’s (G) is changing under impact of Thought’s (S), Deduction’s (S) and Ego. The limit and speed of Thought’s (S) will depend on limit and speed of Deduction’s (S) and compression and strength of Induction’s (S). In this time, behavioral reaction of different races will be tried because these reactions will depend on these mentioned operators. In this position we must mention that the complicity of these (G)s will be depended on interaction between Thought’s (S) and these (G)s in the presence of (Ego).
Equivalency between ( pain, pleasure ) ≈ ( attraction, propulsion )≈ (0, 1)
Base upon previous explanations, one of the (Ego)’s characteristically elements is the preservation of system or (G,S) from destruction and dissolution and by another statement, we could call it as the operator of making order and preserving this order is the duty Ego.
The moving systems toward disordering have positive Entropy and the systems toward ordering have negative Entropy. Existence of the (Ego) will lead the system toward making order and consequently the (Ego) will constitute a system with negative Entropy and non-existence of it will be cause to make a system with negative Entropy. Even we ignore the forces between molecules; (Ego) could gather dissimilar things and making order between them (Life molecules).
There is a tendency to make order in nature and solid materials because of attraction forces between molecules and Negative Entropy which is caused to equilibrium between negative and positive forces (regarding related graphs in the subject of distance and force in metallurgy science) in general means. In comparison, we will have partial equilibrium between pain and pleasure forces consequently in the subject of ability to make order; we will have the equivalency relation like (Pain, Pleasure) ≈ (Attraction, Repulsion). This equivalency relation will be acceptable with the same precision, regarding the physicist’s debate on the causality principle in the late 20th century and consequently, we could name this equivalency as Entropic- Heisenbergian equivalency.
≈ : Entropic- Heisenbergian equivalency
Transmitting Mechanisms and its Changes
Transmitting mechanisms opens a wide debate in current debates; the transmitting mechanisms are the all of things which the actions are being delivered via this toward perception mechanism (Ego). Transmitting mechanism could be divided to the hard and soft mechanisms, and we will see a spectrum of hard and soft mechanisms, relatively. The solid transmitting mechanisms will be classified as six sense(powers) of human and at the moment we will define the soft transmitting mechanisms as Non-Physical elements in thinking processes and then these elements with the mean and conception of thought’s (S), will turn to Physical elements which are being acted.
Transmitting mechanism are carrier and operator of perception in two ways. First as transmitting operator of Acting (S) and other its changing under impact of outside operant. In the subject of changing we absolutely will attend on changing of energy in transmitting mechanisms because we could not image any changing without changing in energy. As high as amount of changing and energy and potential of these transmitting mechanisms, we could have higher changing rate and higher perception and thus reaction would be higher and stronger and we will have stronger commanding (S). The quality and energy of the acting (S) in the reaction and impact with perception point or (Ego) will depend on the quality of impacting of this element or (S) via transmitting mechanism.
The transformation quality of these soft mechanisms will have more rate than hard mechanisms. This quality transformation would be affected by circumstance of soft or hard mechanisms and base upon Gödel’s premise. The transmitting operator of circumstance’s conditions in quality transformation is (S) which will strike (G) continuously and gradually will change it. The transmitting mechanisms are a wide subject to discuss. The transmitting mechanisms can be a part of living creature or not
and in general mean the whole world could be transmitting mechanism base upon that the (S) of action are transmitting toward living mechanism. At the moment, the subject of Newton debate and his followers in determination of world events by having all world’s physical parameters will be doubted because existing (Ego) which is an unpredictable element in the predictable system, will turn the all of system to a transcendental and unpredictable system.
Consequently we get the conclusion that the perception is the result of changing energy in the transmitting mechanisms. This case from the view point of energy is similar to changing energy in the thermo physical transformation of crystals. Generally, every network has special energy result of setting its elements beside together and by the way the transmitting mechanisms and its transformation will not excluded from this rule.
Transmitting Mechanism’s Changes And Its Relation With Perception
Every transmitting mechanism has its own order which will provide delivering possibility of action toward (Ego). If we consider the action as a (S) or as carrier of action then this (S) could move through various (G) or in other mean transmitting mechanisms. We could divide transmitting mechanisms to two groups as painful and pleasurable mechanisms. Acting (S) will turn to a painful or pleasurable operator as its quality when it is moving through these mechanisms and finally by an undeniable principle, an unknown way and real mean impact the (Ego)and then (Ego) will conduct acting (S), ( at the moment Commanding (S) ) to an appropriated commanding mechanism and consequently the command will be issued. Consider, that the (Ego) can not conduct the acting (S) to a appropriate commanding mechanism then we will have an intensive and extraordinary compression and also a painful pressure on (Ego) at this time, suddenly changing in transmitting mechanism and its changed energy will emerge as (Pain, pleasure) and it will be cause to open the way of acting (S) and its appropriate impact to (Ego) and then commanding mechanism will be activate and the command will be issued. This problem could be investigated from another angle as equilibrium between transmitting and commanding mechanisms which is the nonplussing state.
Transmitting mechanism is the all things around and inside which is on the way toward (Ego). Of course, we must determine the starting point of moving toward (Ego) and by the way we will have to determine boundary for system and its limits.
Constant Transmitting Mechanism Transform To Zero Effect And Then To Painful Transmitting Mechanism
There are many experiences which shows constant situation is an unpleasant thing for human. One of the reasons behind this situation is the inconsistency between human and its circumstance as long as continuing this situation. Regarding any reason, the constant will be cause to constancy in transmitting mechanism and consequently it will transform to zero effect transmitting mechanism which acting (S) without any changing in its quality to an painful or pleasurable element, will impact (Ego). In other side, continuing this situation will violate the adaptation with circumstance base upon (Gestalt Cult) consequently will turn to a painful and the individual will try to escape this situation. Extreme traditionalism, reluctance against reforms in individuals or social laws and … are related to these explanations. In this position, as much as ability to changing and existence of flexibility in transmitting mechanism, social laws and … then it will protect society from collapse and an unwanted and unpleasant revolution. The countries with a multiparty system always protect social order and society from an unpleasant revolution and also dangerous transformation and riot in society because, in general mean as long as changing in the circumstance condition around and neighboring countries which have strong interaction, we will have changing inside countries to establish equilibrium.
By the way, constant transmitting mechanism will transform to zero effect and then to painful transmitting mechanism because it can not adopt itself with circumstance. Consequently, flexibility is the important characteristic of living systems which benefit from existing (Ego) or (Pain, Pleasure). This is the principle which explain the obligation of making body of human and living creature from hydrocarbon exactly, because the various composition type of hydrogen and carbon will provide such possibility. (Possibility and adaptation with circumstance condition or environment)
Transformation of Social Organizations or Revolutions
Experiences have proven that impositions are made by the bigger system on smaller one. It means that as strong as an organization’s power, form the view point of appearance and general mean, definite impact will be based upon it. Because of a tendency toward geometrical appearance of an organization, and its changes and from other side an exteriorized concept and propagandas which emerge in changing organizations and revolutions, generally the changing will be thought as originated in bigger organization and the effect of the smaller organization would be ignored. Generally, we will have two changing way in organizations, revolutions and social reforms which will impose by stronger organization on smaller one:
- Direct aggression as a face to face conflict. It means that the stronger organization aggress a weaker organization or a stronger organization destruct a weaker one and annexes it to own organization.
- Reinforcing opposed outside organization in direction of object of an outside strong power.
Above two factors show that in the world which is dominated by physical law, can not impose its system on weaker system and constitute a system base upon its own ideology.
All social transformations will be based upon these principles.
All revolutions in history always benefit from outside operators. Prophet’s revolutions with God’s support and social revolutions benefit from an outside power because base upon Gödel’s premise, any system will not transform from inside. By the way, in order to clarify the mind of who think their revolutions have done by people force, it will reject by Imam Khomeini’s saying.
Human, his needs, society and parties
Configuration of a society changes like a human, his demands and needs changes like a human but not as changing rate of a human. Sometimes tendency of a social system will be caused to produce an opposite force from the side of individuals in society against it, and like changing transmitting mechanisms in living systems, social system will provide and direct to produce an equivalent system which we name it as parties in democratic social systems. It means that collection of social tendencies produce a pressure in society which demands existence of a system or mechanism to equilibrate with this pressure. Consequently social system operates like a human body and its balance is like power balance of different sense power of a human and by the way, existence of parties are needed in social systems because tendency toward constituting organization is defined in human thus it must define in social system.
Cycle, Gestalt, strain strength and capacity
Regarding previous analysis, we would plan a question that how much Gödelic energies are needed to rip a cycle or in which condition we could force a system from an outside point to move and change? We will realize that it will depend on strength and the interdependency of the neighboring connection and elements in a system or cycle.
A new thought could not penetrate in an extremely traditional society and change its system as easy as a logical and balanced society from the view point of thought. This would be related to race completely. Acceptance of a new thought in soft races is higher than hard races and consequently we approach to capacity concept. Capacity is the representative of the interdependency and strength of the neighboring elements.
We could link this capacity to strain strength (which is the result of attraction between neighboring molecules) because we live in physical world. Metaphysical capacity is related to physical capacity by entropic-Heisenbergian equivalence relation, if we consider the spirituality as metaphysic.
Gödel’s Premise, Sayyeh In Sayyeatolmogarabin (Holy Qur’an ), Entropic-Hesenbergian Equivalency , Banned Fruit and Human Evolution
We have seen that changing in every system or organization will impose based upon Gödel’s premise from outside of a system. These changing will accompany with changing in energy in human system. Human system also includes Non-Physical characteristics which it will link to physical characteristic by using Entropic-Hesenbergian Equivalency relation. As we have seen, Sayyeh occurred even for prophet Mohammad in the level of Sayyeatolmogarabin which this will accompany with changing in energy regarding (S)’s of thinking and thinking network and from the other side unwanted perception has emerged in the shape of Pain and Pleasure which it was the cause of repent continuously. In fact the changing energy along with Gödel’s Premise from the outside is cause of changing inside every system and especially human and it can transform to evolution concept because the evolution points out the occurrence of the changing of systems. Referring to holy Qur’an and the banned fruit in Adam & , we could see that this banned fruit is the aggressive operator to human system or the Sayyeh is aggressing the static position of human. It means that the fault or in other means Sayyeh is an inherent thing (because it emerge in its higher level as Prophet Mohammad) and the evolution would be originated in it definitely and by the way, quantumical characteristic of Sayyeh will be defined because the changing energy and consequently the perception has quantumical characteristic.
Some problems for solving
- Show that politic is needed in every social system because in a constant force field, doing work for a physical point does not depend on path and then by replacing (Ego) in the position of constant force, conclude the changing of transmitting mechanisms in alive creature.
- Prove or show that if industrial society must be far from what we are seeing, why the prophet Mohammad had repented in every time while he had not any committed sin.
- Base upon Fermat-Newton’s minimal time principle, Prove that the industrial and communicational society could not be different from what we are seeing now.
- State the relation between stability of industrial society and steel’s density consequently, conclude the ethic subject in this society.
- Express the role of ( pain, pleasure ) ≈ ( attraction, propulsion ) equivalency in similarity of metal grains and the shape of countries in the map.(This equivalency is known as Aghazadeh or entropic-Heisenbergian relation)
(In proud of Moharram Aghazadeh)